miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009

Exercise 1 (International Transportation): Random-order list of vocabulary words and definitions

Match the vocabulary words on the top list with the definitions found on the bottom list.

1. Freight
2. Insurance
3. Carrier
4. Employee
5. Container
6. Logistics
7. Management
8. Employment
9. Claims
10. Surveyor
11. Subrogation
12. Accountant

_____ to substitute (one person) for another.

_____ goods or cargo shipped by commercial transport, or the fee charged for such shipping.

_____ a guarantee of protection against certain misfortunes that is provided by a company in return for payment of a fee.

_____ something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that contains or may contain something else; receptacle.

_____ a person engaged in surveying as a profession.

_____ an occupation, esp. for wages or a salary; work; job.

_____ the planning and implementing of the details of any operation.

_____ the act or process of controlling, directing, or governing.

_____ a very large naval vessel equipped with a flight deck; aircraft carrier.

_____ a person who examines and maintains the financial records of individuals or businesses.

_____ someone who works for a person or business in return for wages or other compensation.

_____ to assert ownership; demand as one's right.

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